Nasi Kadra to młodzi, energiczni, entuzjastyczni nauczyciele z przygotowaniem lingwistycznym i pedagogicznym, których pasją jest nauczanie dzieci i młodzieży z wykorzystaniem najnowszych i najatrakcyjniejszych metod i materiałów. Dzięki ich pełnemu zaangażowaniu dzieci chętnie biorą udział w zajęciach i rozwijają swoje talenty we właściwym kierunku. Oprócz pracy w szkole Lektorzy uczestniczą w naszych obozach językowych gdzie mają okazję wykazać się również jako wychowawcy grup, dzięki czemu mają jeszcze więcej praktyki w pracy i zabawie z dziećmi.
Hello, I'm Kamila but all my friends call me Pestka. I've been working at Olton School for 5 years now. The only thing I would like to share is that getting older in this way is a great pleasure Thank you very much!
Witajcie, mam na imię Krzysztof i od kilku lat mam przyjemność być wychowawcą kolonijnym na obozach w Ryczywole. Uwielbiam aktywność fizyczną i ćwiczenia na świeżym powietrzu. Jako absolwent AWF i instruktor tenisa, jestem odpowiedzialny za sportową część obozu. Z energią i zapałem prowadzę wszystkie zajęcia sportowe, gry zespołowe oraz przede wszystkim tenis, którego na naszych obozach jest coraz więcej! Do zobaczenia w Ryczywole! Zapraszam także w ciągu roku szkolnego na kontynuację nauki gry w tenisa! (tel: 531-900-507)
Hi! My name's Jarek and I've been keen on English since I was a kid and I can't imagine my life without it. One day I thought, "Hmmm, why not share this affection with others?" and that's how I've become an English teacher. I'm especially fond of working with older children and teenagers (maybe because I've never actually grown up?) and I must confess that I really derive great pleasure from it. Apart from English, Im into other foreign languages (especially German and Russian), law, socio-political issues as well as travelling, watching movies and skiing. I'm the proud owner of a fat brown dachshund and a great bike which I love to ride even if it's raining outside!
Hi, I’m Beata. I’ve been teaching English for three years, in Olton this is my first one. I like languages and their cultural background (do you know that Eskimos have more than 70 kinds of snow? :). I enjoy singing and acting things out – teaching Young Learners combines these two, doesn’t it? Every day I read something (not a newspaperJ). I am interested in education, psychology and methodology. What is the best in this job is constant development – as a teacher, a creator, a listener and… many others… Two quotations I really like: ‘Learning by doing’ (J. Dewey), ‘Help me to do it myself’ (M. Montessori).
My name is Igor and I've been teaching in Olton since 2010. I really enjoy working with children, especially with older learners. My biggest passion is music but not only listening to it. I could sit and play my guitar all day long. Besides music I love playing tennis, volleyball, snooker or just swim in pool, river, lake
Hi, my name is Iwona and I've been teaching English for 5 years already. At Olton School it's my second year. I love working with children, especially with the youngest pupils - I can play games, sing, draw, dance, fool around with them and do everything that I did too little when I was at their age. Their engagement and eagerness to learn more inspires me to try harder and continuously develop my teaching skills. In my spare time I travel a lot - there are so many wonderful places on earth worth visiting and exploring and I'd like to see all of them!
Hi, my name is Ania. I love traveling and have been in love with Ireland for many years now. Every year I go there to enjoy the beauty of its nature and the warmth of people living there. Wherever I am I always try to stay active, either cycling, dancing or ..hiking, because most of all I love mountains. As I like working with people a lot I teach snowboarding. I would like to invite all my pupils to join me at Oltons snowboarding-skiing trip this winter.
Hi there! My name is Ania. I've been working at the Olton School for 4 years. I love teaching English and I try to make my students love studying it. I enjoy spending my time actively, riding my bike, playing volleyball or dancing. I can also do with a good book, a cup of coffee or a long walk with my dog.